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Japanese Garden


Reiki is a form of alternative healing therapy that originated in Japan. It involves the use of gentle touch or non-touch techniques to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. We believe that energy flows through the body and that this energy can become blocked or stagnant, leading to physical and emotional imbalances. By applying Reiki techniques, practitioners aim to clear these blockages and restore the natural flow of energy, thus promoting healing and balance. Reiki is often used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medical treatments and can be beneficial for a range of conditions, including anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and insomnia.​


During a Reiki Session​


During a Reiki session, the client lies down comfortably, fully clothed, while the practitioner places their hands lightly on or near the body.  The client may feel sensations such as warmth, tingling, or relaxation during the session, as the Reiki energy helps to balance and harmonize their energy system. The practitioner may move their hands to different areas of the body, such as the head, torso, arms, legs, and feet, depending on where the client needs the most energy. The session usually lasts for about 60 minutes, and it's recommended that the client rest for a while afterwards to allow the energy to continue to work within their body. Reiki is believed to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and help the body to heal itself on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. However, it's important to note that Reiki is considered a complementary therapy and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care.​


After a Reiki Session


After receiving a Reiki session, it is important to take care of yourself and allow the healing energy to integrate fully. Here are some suggestions for post-Reiki treatment:

1. Rest and Relaxation: Reiki can bring about deep relaxation and release of energy blockages. Take time to rest and allow your body to process the healing energy. Get plenty of sleep and engage in activities that promote relaxation, such as meditation or gentle stretching.

2. Hydration: Drink plenty of water to help flush out any toxins that may have been released during the Reiki session. Hydration is essential for overall well-being and to support the body's natural healing processes.

3. Self-Care: Engage in self-care activities that promote your overall well-being. This can include taking a bath with Epsom salts, deep breathing exercises, journaling, or spending time in nature. Listen to your body and do what feels nurturing and replenishing for you.

4. Gentle Movement: Light exercise or gentle movement, such as yoga or walking, can help to integrate the energy and maintain the flow of energy throughout your body. However, avoid strenuous activities or intense workouts immediately after a Reiki session.

5. Reflect and Process: Take time to reflect on your experience during the Reiki session. Journaling or talking with a trusted friend or therapist can help you process any emotions or insights that may have emerged. Reiki can bring about shifts on emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, and it can be helpful to explore and understand these changes.

6. Follow-Up Sessions: Consider scheduling additional Reiki sessions if you feel the need for continued support and healing. Reiki can be a complementary therapy that works best with regular sessions, depending on your individual needs and goals.

Remember that Reiki is a holistic approach to healing, and its effects can vary from person to person. It is always important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for any specific health concerns or conditions you may have.





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